Reunion 2007: “Strength In Numbers”


Andy, Laura, Madeline, Rod, Lana, Logan and Bethany at Dunn’s River.

Andy, Laura, Madeline, Rod, Lana, Logan and Bethany at Dunn’s River.

July 11 -July 15 2007: The Reunion Committee would like to thank you for making the 2nd Descendants of Solomon and Elizabeth Hibbert Family Reunion a huge success. We are grateful that our reunion attendance increased this year because of a new flock of family members who joined the fun. Some of the new attendees included Barbara and Mavis Hibbert (descendants of Uncle Herman), Lucila Welch, Ernesto Larrier and their spouses of the “Panamanian Connection”, Uncle Munoz’ children from England and Jacqui an Olive Hibbert, from Hezekiah’s line. In the planning of the 2007 reunion, the Committee set forth an agenda to integrate activities designed specifically with our kids and elders in mind. We were successful in doing so with the implementation of the “Gender Retreat” and “Legends Story Time Hour”. For the Gender Retreat, we paired young men and women with a few family professionals; girls separate from the boys. There, they discussed everything from prospective career paths to simply, how to be a responsible young adult. The kids left with many lessons. None more valuable than; “Your family has high expectation of you”. After the retreat, the girls and boys were off and running as they participated in the “Amazing Race”. Participants, with the assistance of family members, answered many questions which helped them learn about various individuals in the family. Congratulations to Asha Hibbert and Karin Straker who won brand new iPods for their efforts. The “Legends Story Time Hour” was a beautiful way for our young kids to relate to the family matriarchs. The kids had a blast making hats for the adults and presenting them with gifts. There were many highlights to speak of but none more exciting than Rod Eden’s proposal to Madeline Hibbert during the family portrait. By the way…she said yes! Another exciting occurrence was Marques, Andrew and Madeline meeting their brother Owen for the very first time. The last highlight was the family honoring Uncle Ruddy (AKA the family photographer) as he was chosen to receive the Hibbert Heritage award for his undying family spirit over the years. The Committee looks forward to building on this success. We have our work cut out for us but we plan on improving the family’s experience in 2010.


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