Family Mentors

What is The Hibbert Family Mentoring Program?

The Hibbert Family Mentoring Program is designed to provide a resource that assists in bridging the gap between “goal setting” and reality. HFMP provides the awareness that we have family members who have acquired expertise in various professional industries. These professionals can be utilized to assist our future generations by providing information and guidance about a prospective industry that a pupil may have interest in.

How can I become a mentor?

Please provide us with the industry that you represent and a short summary of qualifications via the “contact us” page.

What are the responsibilities of a mentor?

A Mentor must provide a reasonable amount of access and follow up to their pupil. They are responsible for providing guidance through, verbal and or written communication.

How can I find a mentor?

Mentors are listed under the industry that they represent.

Are Mentors only for kids?

No. Mentors can be used by adults to provide information about possible career changes or advancements. For example, two mentors may partner with each other to assist the advancement of each other’s careers. In this case they would be considered partners.

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