Theodora Elizabeth Hibbert

Elizabeth Marques Hibbert (1876-1956)
Elizabeth Marquis Hibbert aka Nana was born in 1876 and died September of 1956 at 80. She had two brothers named Nathanial (Uncle Natty) and Albert (Uncle B) and a sister named Justina. Her mother’s name was Edie. Nana had two girls before her 9 children with Solomon named Violet and Icilda who migrated to Panama. Nana had two daughters that were not Pappy’s children named Violet and Icilda. They migrated to Panama during the teen years of the 1900’s. Bertie and Ivan were two sons of Icilda. Bertie was also known as “Buhbah” because he stuttered. Bertie was actually the first grandchild and was credited with giving Nana and Pappy their pet names. Nana was a housekeeper, shopkeeper and a devout Presbyterian. She was a member of St. John’s United Church which she attended every Sunday until Easter Sunday 1956 when she was no longer able to go because of illness. Nana had beautiful silver white hair and slight bandy legs. People used to call her “Bent Foot Lizy”. It seems she passed this bent foot trait on to others since Mother Madden, Ferdie Madden & Uncle Munoz all had legs that looked like hers. She liked to drink brandy every night and loved hats. It was also known that she cooked a mean rice and black eyed peas. She used black eyed peas because she couldn’t digest red peas. Now you understand why some of you suffer from bloating after eating stew peas.
Nana gave us more than her DNA and physical attributes, she passed on her values and taught us that we could admire what others had but should not envy them.